Shane DeRolf
Consultant on marketing, branding, creative packaging and overall presentation of our music and artists.

Shane DeRolf brings more than 25 years of international marketing and brand building, publishing, television, and licensing expertise to his role as CEO & Chief Creative Officer of Yesterday’s Zoo LLC. He is internationally recognized for his innovative social marketing and media campaigns.

Shane DeRolf


In the late 90’s, Shane served as the founder and president of Random House Entertainment, where he wrote the popular children’s book, “The Crayon Box That Talked” and created and produced “The Crayon Box,” an original children’s television series in national syndication. Prior to that, Shane served as co-founder and Partner of World POG™ Federation, the marketing company that transformed an idea into an international toy phenomenon with sales of more than $175 million in less than 3 years

A true creative professional, Shane began his career in television by creating the groundbreaking and critically acclaimed “Zazoo U” for Fox Kid’s Network in 1991. As a result of his work on Zazoo U, Shane was asked to conceive and lead the branding effort for the young network that helped it become the #1 children’s television network in the world in two years.